St. Francois County, Missouri, has established an informal non-binding mediation service in an attempt to resolve residential habitability issues between landlord and tenants; specifically, matters that involve disputes associated with habitability of residential rental property. The State of Missouri recognizes an implied warranty of habitability, which stands for the proposition that the landlord will provide rental property that is “vital” to the life, health, and safety of the tenant. This means that relatively simple matters such as a light switch may not be a habitability issue; but more important matters, such as heat during the wintertime, may.

This informal mediation service is free to both landlord and tenant. In certain situations, temporary rent relief may be provided through a local charitable organization.

In order to qualify for this mediation service, the landlord or tenant may complete the application form below.  You will be contacted by the administrator if more information is required.

Please note that all mediations are confidential and intended to resolve habitability issues between landlords and tenants without legal process.